It's Been Sooooooo Long............

So, we obviously dropped th ball on the blog... bigtime... YIKES! As most of you know, little Jonah was born 9.8.09 at 9:08pm weighing in at 6 lbs 8 1/2 ounces and measuring 19 1/2 inches. He suprised us by coming 2 weekd early, all on his own! Our lives have not been the same since! He is already 5 months old! Here are a few pics from the past 5 how he has changed! :)

The hospital.....

October and 1 month old!

First Halloween as a Little Dragon!

November & 2 Months Old!

1st Thanksgiving

December & 3 Months Old!

First Christmas!

January 2010.... 4 Months & GROWING!

First Solid Food... YUMMY!

I love this one of Jonah and Uncle JJ!

19 Weeks Old....

So, that's all she wrote for the past few months! We'll be posting February stuff soon, I promise! And we will try to keep up on it from now on :)

The Baby Moon Pt I

Have you ever heard of a Baby Moon? Yea me neither. It is supposed to be the last hoorah before the baby comes into our lives. Like a honey moon it cannot be done in the same town you live in...that is the number one rule I found out. So, lacking a real strong wallet and a bank account that is doing it's best impression of playing dead, we took a trip to exotic Denver, Colorado. Not able to contain my excitement, I dumped coffee on one of my two white shirts I had brought on the trip! Yea! I was stoked! Most people that know me, know that I never wear white and I had brought two white shirts on this trip. So in Castle Rock we pulled over as I was slowly loosing my salvation over crappy lid from the ol' Starbutt's. I open the suit case and put on my other white clean shirt so I did not look like a drooling subnormal halfwit on the last romantic date alone with my wife. 10 whole seconds later...your trusty narrator the drooling subnormal halfwit dropped the rest of the coffee on his newly changed white shirt. It was amazing. I looked up from my self imposed lagoon of coffee and rage from the parking lot towards I-25 and wondered if I should just bolt into traffic now. I stormed into the public restroom in a fit of rage and just ran my shirts under the poop ridden sinks to clean off my entire Baby Moon wardrobe. Luckily we were heading to a nice and dark place...The Denver Aquarium! That was the first place her and I ever went together.
As her and I somehow end up doing oh so often, we started off going in the Aquarium the wrong way. In fact, we did the entire thing backwards. We went against a full crowd of crazed children trying to enjoy their last weekend of summer vacation. It was easier than it sounds however, I believe people saw me with my soiled shirt and they were worried to come near me so they stayed close to the sharks instead where it seemed safer. Once we were done there, it was time for my favorite part...EATING! I will tell you later, it is bed time and I am tired. be continued

Stories piling up!

Man oh man, so it has been a bit since I have been able to post. Chorey has been on a month long binge of some serious, finger bones poking out of worn hands chores! So I need to sit down and catch everyone up on things like my Super Manly Not Sissy Baby Daddy Shower, Jonah and Daddy getting a jeep, Jonah got is first touch on the head last Friday and a little something called the Baby Moon. So yea, I have some stories piling up...Uh what's that honey? Ok I am coming!
I will tell you later.

34 Weeks and Counting

The countdown has begun! It's officially 6 weeks and counting. Allison cannot WAIT to get baby Jonah out at this point! He's nearly 5 lbs and over 17 inches long, leaving no space in the belly! Sleepless nights are now adding to the grumpiness, oh we can't wait for him to get here! We are headed to Denver this weekend for our "Baby Moon"....the last trip alone before he arrives...can't wait for that! Here are a few bigger belly pics!

Hot Mama, Literally

Hi Everyone! I'm back! Well, just for this post! I thought since Cory has been updating you on birthing positions :), NONE of which I will choose, I would let you see what I've been up to....making a baby! I am now 32 weeks and getting VERY uncomfortable. I have decided that I'm "over it", which I have really discovered you don't get a choice in the matter. I am left with little patience, no sleep, and am SO SO hot! We are currently seeing the Dr every 2 weeks now, so the end is drawing near! Baby Jonah only has 8 more weeks left until we meet him, and I am getting SOOOOO excited!

We've also been busy on the nursery. Here's a pic of the crib side. We're still in the process of staining our rocking chair. Once that is done, you'll see the full affect! PS- the birthing classes WERE just as awful as Cory described them.... I was shocked!